A Website Dedicated to Bond 2023

“Small school - big future. Small communities investing in our future generations.” - Board Vice President Kevin Nilges

Classroom Addition

Take a deep dive into the two classroom addition

Why does Crest need more classrooms?

To be prepared for the future needs of our students, Crest needs to add two additional classrooms. Currently, all available classrooms are occupied, leaving the district without any additional rooms. Hear more on this from Board President Travis Church below:

“It comes down to a simple problem: if we wanted to hire an additional teacher to give our students more class opportunities, we wouldn’t have a place to put them.” - Board President Travis Church

How much will these classrooms cost?

Pricing for these two classrooms, budgeted at $850,000 ($425/sf)1, is higher than the other proposed projects because of their additional role as a combined storm shelter.

How big will each room be?

The size of the biggest room will be approximately 961 square feet, while the smaller room will be approximately 950 square feet.

Where will these classrooms be located?

These classrooms will be built onto the southwest wing of the building. Please see the below picture for a better understanding.

To view the full two-dimensional drawing, please visit the data page.